RO Water Purifier


We manufacture RO water purifiers, which remove all the impurities present in raw water, such as harmful microbes and harmful minerals. On the large scale, this water treatment and purification plant are used for expelling the molecular contamination. Suitable for heavy-duty industrial applications, this RO water purifier is very important to ensure the persistent working of other machines installed in a manufacturing plant.


Product Details:

Parts of Ro water Purifier:

Raw Water Pump provided to transfer water for filtration.
Dual Media filter expels suspended turbidity and contaminants from water.
Activated carbon filter removed the smell, color and odor from the water.
Antiscalants dosing system safeguards the RO membrane against scaling
Micronfilter stage 1 and 2 These expel the minute particles varying from 5 microns to 10 microns.
Pressure pump It is integrated to supply water to the membranes.
RO membranes They expel major percent of TDS over 98%.

Key Features:

  • Completely assembled, pre-wired and pre-piped 
  •  In-built Pretreatment module for suspended solids expulsion with pressure gauges
  • Proficient pressure pump in metal construction
  • Glycerin equipped pressure gauges for reliability
  • Rota-meter for estimating permeate flow  
  • High pressure pump safety alongside high- and low-pressureswitch 
  • Mechanical filters’ backwashing 
  • Microprocessor control panel for simple working and integrated process
  • Plated and coated hardware and skid
  • Mechanical stop and start
  • Comes with water pump

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